BBQ Cook-Off
Come join us on Saturday, March 15, 2025 starting at 11:00am for the Downtown San Angelo Brews, Ewes, & BBQ festival. The festival will consist of a BBQ cookoff featuring brisket, pork ribs, chicken, and the World Championship Lamb Cook-off. We will also be featuring a Kids-Que cooking competition for children age 6-18. All ages are welcome at the event so bring the whole family! The location for this year’s event is 325 S Oakes St. along the Concho river. All proceeds go to the revitalization of Downtown.
Event Date
March 15, 202511:00 AM

Do you cook the meanest brisket this side of the Rio Grande? We’ll be the judge of that! Teams or individuals are encouraged to compete for the best brisket, chicken, spare ribs, beans, or lamb. Team Registration Fees are $225.00 for the BBQ cookoff. There is also an additional +$50 fee for the Beans Competition. Cookoff participants will need to bring all food items they wish to cook, however lamb shoulder will be provided for free to the first 50 teams that register and also wish to participate in the Lamb Challenge. Electricity & water will not be provided so be sure to bring a generator if need be.
The Kid’s Que competition has a $25 entry fee per child/parent team. Meat will be provided.
Please download the registration form (linked below) and mail it to the DSA office or drop it off in person at 24 W. Concho Avenue, San Angelo, TX 76903, along with registration fee. Registration fees may also be collected on the day of the event upon checking in or registering at the event site.
BBQ Cook-Off Registration FormKid's Que Registration Form
Online Registration
Click on a link below to register for Brews, Ewes, & BBQ online.
Register Online: BBQ CompetitionAncillary Beans Registration
Kid's Que Registration
Event Schedule
Day 1: Friday, March 14, 2025
- 9:00am : Registration Opens
- All Day: Site available for setup. Teams will be directed to designated camp areas upon arrival.
- 4:00pm-6:00pm : Tray Pick Up
- 6:00pm : Adult/Cooks Meeting
Day 2: Saturday, March 15, 2025
- 9:00am: Vendor Fair Set up at 1 Love St.
- 9:00am-10:00am : Kids Que Registration & Tray Pick Up
- 10:00am : Kids Que Meeting
- 11:00am: Event Opens to the Public
- 11:50am: Beans Turn In
- 11:50pm: 2 Chicken Halves Turn In
- 1:20pm: Pork Spare Ribs Turn In
- 2:50pm: Brisket Turn In
- 3:00pm: Kids Que Meat Pick Up
- 3:30pm: Kid's Que Competition begins
- 3:50pm: Lamb Turn In
- 4:30pm: Kid's Que Competition Turn In
- 5:30pm : Awards Ceremony across the river at 1 Love St
Sponsor Information
Would you or your company like to help contribute to the success of the festival? Multiple sponsorship levels are available. For more information please call 325.655.2345 or download the form below and mail it in or drop it off at the DSA office. We look forward to your support.
Sponsorship Levels
Gold Fleece $1000
Ram $500
Ewe $300
Online Registration
Click on a link below to register for online sponsorship registration.
Register Online: Gold Fleece SponsorRegister Online: Ram Sponsor
Register Online: Ewe Sponsor