"Ewe" & Rotary Changing the World
Sponsor: Sunrise Rotary Club
Artist: Diana Lee Jones
2113 Knickerbocker Rd.

"Ewe" 've Got mail
Sponsor: Derby's
Artist: ASU Art Students
30 W. Concho Ave

"Ewe" Always Wanted to be a B"ewe"ty Queen (Original Design)
Sponsor: Anodyne
Artist: Tracey Ferguson
Redesigned to Wild 'n Wooly (not placed at this time)

"Ewe" S.A.
Sponsor: J. W. Lown
Artist: Scott Sustek
24 West Concho Avenue

Sponsor: Golden Corral Restaurant (Knickerbocker)
Artist: Tom Orsak
Relocated out-of-town

Sponsor: SA Association of Realtors
Artist: Laurel Dane
1902 Pecos (travels for events)

4-H & "Ewe"
Sponsor: West Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Services
Artist: Dr. Loree Branham
7887 US Hwy 87 North

A Bobcat in Sheep Clothing
Sponsor: Central High School
Artist: Blaine Shelton
655 Caddo St.

A Brave N"ewe" Maiden
Sponsor: Lincoln Middle School
Artist: Amy Lindemann
255 Lake View Heroes Dr

A Healthy "Ewe"
Sponsor: Outreach Health Services
Artist: Sue Daniel
not on display

A-S-Ewe II (Redesign 2018)
Sponsor: Angelo State University
Artist: Raul Ruiz
2601 W. Avenue N, behind Mayer Administration Building

AEP Texas & AEP North
Sponsor: AEP Texas- American Electric Power
Artist: Raul Ruiz
933 W 19th St & 1126 Gateway Dr

AS "Ewe" I (Original Design 2014)
Sponsor: Angelo State University
Artist: ASU Art Students
Redesigned, see A-S-Ewe

Anita Title
Sponsor: Surety Title Co.
Artist: Amber Alexander
136 W. Twohig

B "ewe" tiful San Angelo
Sponsor: Keep San Angelo Beautiful
Artist: Crystal Goodman
72 West College

Sponsor: Armstrong & Backus
Artist: Ashley Perales
515 W Harris Ave

Baa Baa Bass Bunch (Redesign 2009)
Sponsor: Jim Bass Ford
Artist: Jim Bass paint crew
4032 W Houston Harte Expy

Baa Baa Black Sheep
Sponsor: Multi-Chem
Artist: Rene Alvarado
112 W. Beauregard (Courthouse)

Sponsor: Harrison Family Dental
Artist: Wendy Woodring
2040 Sunset Dr

Sponsor: Atmos Energy
Artist: Raul Ruiz
1730 N Main St

Baaptist Sheep
Sponsor: Baptist Memorial
Artist: Julie Raymond
902-903 N. Main St.

Bankers Brand
Sponsor: Mertzon Bank
Artist: Rebel Dowdle
30 W. Concho Ave

Banking for Ewe
Sponsor: The Bank & Trust
Artist: Sue Daniel
Redesigned (see Banking for Ewe II)

Banking for Ewe II
Sponsor: The Bank & Trust
Artist: Scott Sustek
1420 Knickerbocker Rd. (new design)

Bella AS"ewe"
Sponsor: ASU SBDC
Artist: Alejandro Castana
69 N. Chadbourne St.

Sponsor: Velocity Tire Co.
Artist: Ashley Perales
506 San Jacinto St

Boots for Me and "Ewe"
Sponsor: Cavenders
Artist: Raul Ruiz
2520 Southwest Blvd.

Breaking N"ewes"
Sponsor: Nexstar-KLST-KSAN-Concho Valley Live
Artist: Crystal Goodman
2800 Armstrong St

Sponsor: 1st Community Federal Credit Union Business & Mortgage
Artist: Scott Sustek
4141 College Hills Blvd

Cactus Blossom
Sponsor: Cactus Hotel
Artist: Laurel Dane
36 E. Twohig Ave.

Sponsor: Central Texas Farm Credit
Artist: Ashley Perales
3651 S Bryant Blvd

Sponsor: Shannon Hospital
Artist: Andres Gonzales
120 E. Harris

Coat of Many Colors
Sponsor: Raymond & Norma Meza
Artist: Norma Meza
291 Veterans Memorial Dr (Kids Kingdom)

Common "Cents"
Sponsor: Wells Fargo Bank
Artist: Julie Raymond
Not on Display

Concho Pearl
Sponsor: Fred Griffin
Artist: Sue Rainey
Not on display

Sponsor: Congressman August Pfluger
Artist: Raul Ruiz
135 W. Twohig Ave., Suite B

Copiers for "EWE"
Sponsor: CTWP
Artist: Laurel Dane
1821 Industrial Ave.

Counting Sheep
Sponsor: Springhill Suites
Artist: Wade Ryan
(relocated out of town)

Custom Made B "ewe"ts
Sponsor: M. L. Leddy's
Artist: Stylle Read
222 S. Oakes

De ja V"ewe"
Sponsor: Deja vu
Artist: Sharon Graham Smith
110 E. Concho Avenue

Dia de los Muertos
Sponsor: J.W. Lown
Artist: Scott Sustek
Travels for events

Sponsor: Johnson's Funeral Home
Artist: Ben Sum
435 W. Beauregard

Don't "Ewe" Mess with Texas
Sponsor: TxDOT
Artist: Tod D'Spain
4502 Knickerbocker Rd.

Sponsor: West Texas Medical Associates
Artist: Scott Sustek
3555 Knickerbocker Rd.

Dr. Mica Pharmac"ewe"tical
Sponsor: Myers Drug
Artist: Blaine Shelton
29 S. Chadbourne St.

Dr. S"ewe" ture
Sponsor: Ethicon
Artist: Mejo Okon
3348 Pulliam St.

Dubya T Arcee (Redesign 2016)
Sponsor: West Texas Rehabilitation Center
Artist: Scott Sustek
3001 S Jackson St

Duke & Dolly
Sponsor: 1st Community Federal Credit Union
Artist: Scott Sustek
3505 Wildewood Dr.

Eadie C.
Sponsor: City of San Angelo Economic Development Corporation
Artist: Alejandro Castana
69 N. Chadbourne St.

Sponsor: Republic Services
Artist: ASU Art Students
1422 Hughes St

Ed "ewe" cate
Sponsor: West Texas Training: Howard College
Artist: Crystal Goodman
3501 N. US Hwy 67

Sponsor: SKG Engineering
Artist: Crystal Goodman
706 S. Abe

Sponsor: The Original Henry's Diner & Cantina
Artist: Gabriel Luckey
Redesigned, see Enrique 2.0

Enrique 2.0
Sponsor: The Original Henry's
Artist: Raul Ruiz
3015 Sherwood Way

Sponsor: Kenneth & Binnie Dierschke and Roger & Deni Jeschke
Artist: Unknown
3231 College Hills Blvd

Eyes on "Ewe"
Sponsor: Angelo Retina Associates
Artist: Sharon Graham Smith
not on display

Faith in "Ewe"
Sponsor: Cornerstone Christian School
Artist: Scott Sustek
1502 N. Jefferson St.

Sponsor: Unavailable
Artist: Diane Snyder
Redesigned- not on display

Sponsor: Dr. Shelly Stromboe
Artist: Diana Lee Jones
2902 W. Beauregard

Foxy (Original Design 2009)
Sponsor: KIDY FOX
Artist: Scott Sustek
Redesigned, see Foxy Ewe

Foxy "Ewe" (Redesign 2016)
Sponsor: KIDY-FOX TV
Artist: Scott Sustek
5 S. Chadbourne

Freedom for Me and "Ewe" (Original Design)
Sponsor: Goodfellow Air Force Base
Artist: Suzanne McGee
not on display

Frieda Read
Sponsor: Tom Green County Library
Artist: Zoe Flores
33 W Beauregard Ave

God Bless "Ewe"
Sponsor: 1st Episcopal Church of the Good Shepard
Artist: Kathryn Pittman/Ben Sum
720 S. Abe

Gold Rush (Original Design 2009)
Sponsor: West Texas Rehab Center
Artist: Jim Gil
Redesigned, see Dubya T Arcee

Greeting "Ewe"
Sponsor: Downtown San Angelo, Inc
Artist: Scott Sustek
203 W. Concho Ave

H-E-B"ewe"tifully Woven
Sponsor: H-E-B Sherwood Way
Artist: Julie Ramirez
5502 Sherwood Way

HEB 1st Sheep
Sponsor: HEB & Jene Barnard
Artist: Andrea Thomas
3301 Sherwood Way

Hands Across America
Sponsor: Meadows Fisher & Cleere
Artist: Patsy Cleere
311 S. Bryant

Happy Trails to "Ewe"
Sponsor: Len Mertz
Artist: Melodie McDonald
427 W. Concho Ave.

Have "Ewe" Driven a Ford Lately (Original Design 2007)
Sponsor: Jim Bass Ford
Artist: Suzanne McGee
Redesigned, see Baa Baa Bass Bunch

Hello B"ewe"tiful
Sponsor: Regional Cancer Center
Artist: Sylvia R. Garcia
102 N. Magdalen

Hope for "Ewe"
Sponsor: River Crest Hospital
Artist: Mejo Okon
1636 Hunters Glen Road

In Memory of "Ewe"
Sponsor: Allen & Tanis Price
Artist: Joy Noguess
515 W. Beauregard (back of bldg)

J. R. "Ewe"-ing
Sponsor: Vision Oil
Artist: Scott Sustek
not on display

Jesus Loves "Ewe"
Sponsor: Trinity Lutheran Church
Artist: Trinity Lutheran Church staff
3536 Lutheran Way

Sponsor: Legend Jewlers
Artist: Scott Sustek
18 E Concho Ave

Sponsor: Fermin Lucio & Son Roofing Co
Artist: Ashley Perales
2310 N Chadbourne St

Lamb Chop Charlie (Original design 2008)
Sponsor: Lacy Allison Real Estate
Artist: Cody Newton
Redesigned, see Lamb Chop Charlie II

Lamb Chop Charlie II (Redesign 2017)
Sponsor: Scott Allison Real Estate
Artist: Samantha Querdo & Sydney Decker
1151 Knickerbocker Rd.

Lamb of God
Sponsor: Tennyson Baptist Church
Artist: Unpainted
not on display

Sponsor: Stribling
Artist: Clay Hegl
353 S. Randolph (YMCA)

Lending "Ewe" Money
Sponsor: Trans Texas SW Credit Union
Artist: Rebel Dowdle
3401 West Loop 306

Lending for "Ewe"
Sponsor: Capital Farm Credit
Artist: Ashley Perales
1701 W Loop 306

Lt. Col. "Ewe"-little
Sponsor: Goodfellow Air Force Base
Artist: Sharon Graham Smith
Goodfellow Air Force Base (front gate)

Lucky "Ewe"
Sponsor: Trimble-Batjer Insurance Associates
Artist: Amber Alexander
201 S. Chadbourne

Sponsor: Fuentes Cafe Downtown
Artist: Sharon Graham Smith
101 S. Chadbourne

Sponsor: Blaine's Pub
Artist: Raul Ruiz
10 W Harris Ave

Sponsor: Sierra Vista United Methodist Church
Artist: Crystal Goodman
4522 College Hills Blvd

Sponsor: GFAFB: 316 Training Squadron
Artist: Jose Duran
351 Kearney Blvd (Fred Sebers Hall)

Sponsor: Miss Hattie's Restaurant
Artist: Laurel Dane
26 E. Concho Avenue

Minnie Pearl
Sponsor: Rio Concho Manor
Artist: Scott Sustek
401 Rio Concho Dr.

Miss Cash
Sponsor: Sands Finance Corporation
Artist: Luis Davila
9 West Concho Avenue

Miss Lana-Lynn (Original Design)
Sponsor: Crockett National Bank
Artist: Mejo Okon
Redesigned for Holiman Elementary

Miss TAM "Ewe"niversity
Sponsor: West Texas A&M Agrilife Research Center
Artist: Amy Lindeman
7887 U.S. Highway 87 N

O.R. Double Ewe
Sponsor: Oliver, Rainey & Wotjek
Artist: Scott Sustek
2909 Sherwood Way

Paige Turner
Sponsor: TGC -Stephens Central Library
Artist: Brush 'n Brag
not on display

Sponsor: Family Powersports
Artist: Mejo Okon
4160 W Houston Harte Expy

Pending Name
Sponsor: Old Central Firehouse Bed and Brew
Artist: Scott Sustek
200 S. Magdalen St.

Pending Name (Redesign 2020)
Sponsor: Crockett National Bank/Holiman Elementary
Artist: Lake View High School Art Club & Central High School auto body class
1900 Ricks Dr.

Ram Bank-ous
Sponsor: San Angelo Banking Center
Artist: Lesa Whitehead
5710 Sherwood Way

Ram Chop
Sponsor: Market Street
Artist: Clay Hegl
3121 Sunset Drive

Sponsor: Concho Valley Transit
Artist: Katie Blair
510 N. Chadbourne

Ricky the Rattler
Sponsor: GFAFB: 315 Training Squadron
Artist: Jose Duran
351 Kearney Blvd (Di Tommaso Hall)

Rosie R. Sheep
Sponsor: IBEW
Artist: Ashley Perales
990 Caddo St.

Sponsor: San Angelo Federal Credit Union
Artist: Crystal Goodman
235 W 1st St

Sponsor: Sam's Club
Artist: Ashley Perales
5749 Sherwood Way

Sponsor: Railway Museum of San Angelo
Artist: Shaydee Watson
703 S Chadbourne St

Serving "Ewe" Since 1884
Sponsor: San Angelo Standard Times
Artist: Mejo Okon
30 W Concho Avenue

Sgt. San Angelo Mohair
Sponsor: US Army Recruiting Station
Artist: Anamarie & Sarah Elizabeth Perkins
4001 Sunset Dr., Suite 1058A

Shear Ingen "ewe" ity
Sponsor: J.W. Lown
Artist: Scott Sustek
26 W. Concho Ave.

Sponsor: Texas Trust Credit Union II
Artist: Crystal Goodman
3712 Fm 2288

Sponsor: West Central Wireless
Artist: Brush 'n Brag
3389 Knickerbocker Road

Sheep Justice "Ewe"-nice
Sponsor: Webb Stokes & Sparks
Artist: Amber Alexander
314 W. Harris

Sponsor: Chipotle Mexican Bar & Grill
Artist: Gabriel Luckey
3515 S Jackson St

Sponsor: Cactus Hotel
Artist: Ivan & Dot White
not on display

Steel Wool Fab"ewe"cator
Sponsor: Hirschfield Steel
Artist: Susan Williams
112 W. 29th Street

Sponsor: Sunset Mall
Artist: Ashley Perales
4001 Sunset Dr. #1182

The Hero in "Ewe"
Sponsor: San Angelo Independent School District
Artist: Sue Rainey
SAISD Administration Bldg 1621 University

The Lady In Bl"ewe"
Sponsor: Shannon Clinic SW
Artist: Amber Alexander
4450 Sunset Dr.

The Pop Artist in "Ewe"
Sponsor: Art In Uncommon Places
Artist: W3 Group
125 W. Twohig

Training "Ewe"
Sponsor: 17th Training Support Squadron
Artist: Jose Duran
Goodfellow Air Force Base

True Bl-"ewe"
Sponsor: Texas Trust Credit Union
Artist: Scott Sustek
337 W Twohig Ave

Sponsor: Arroyo Grande Ranch
Artist: Raul Ruiz
private property

Sponsor: Bill & Ester Murdock
Artist: Unknown
4512 Sherwood Way-The Heights Baptist Church

Sponsor: First State Bank of Paint Rock
Artist: Raul Ruiz
402 Smith Blvd

Sponsor: Sunset Storage
Artist: Katie Blair
1639 Sunset Drive

Sponsor: Mike Harper of Harper Feedlot
Artist: Unknown
21560 Weld County Road 76, Eaton, Colorado

Sponsor: Till Dark LLC
Artist: Karen Kuniyuki
116 S Chadbourne St

Sponsor: Mackie & Larry Pick
Artist: Scott Sustek
Private Residence

Sponsor: Angelo Oral Surgery
Artist: Ashley Perales
3012 Green Meadow Dr

Sponsor: La Esperanza Clinic
Artist: Ashley Perales
34 Buick St

Sponsor: Twin Mountain Fence
Artist: Scott Sustek
7513 US-67 S.

Sponsor: MHMR Concho Valley
Artist: Ashley Perales
1501 W. Beauregard Ave.

Sponsor: GFAFB Starbase
Artist: Scott Sustek
221 Texan St., GFAFB

Sponsor: Region 15 Education Service Center
Artist: Javier Weingart
612 S. Irene St.

Sponsor: West Texas Boys Ranch
Artist: Crystal Goodman
10223 Boys Ranch Rd.

Sponsor: Concho Self Storage
Artist: Ashley Perales
909 W. Beauregard Ave.

Sponsor: Lone Star Middle School
Artist: Ashley Perales
2500 Sherwood Way

Sponsor: Ranger Aviation
Artist: Ranger Aviation
8802 Hangar Rd, Gate 16

Uncovering the Art in "Ewe" (Redesign)
Sponsor: SA Musuem of Fine Arts
Artist: Ben Sum and Cycris Ho
David St.

Walmart Comm"ewe"nity
Sponsor: Walmart Store #1249
Artist: Lakeview High School Art Club
610 W 29th St

We Salute "Ewe"
Sponsor: First Financial Bank-Koenigheim
Artist: Treva Boyd & Crystal Goodman
222 S Koenigheim

We Serve "Ewe"
Sponsor: San Angelo Downtown Lion's Club
Artist: Scott Sustek
27 W Concho Ave

We Support "Ewe"
Sponsor: First Financial Bank- Knickerbocker
Artist: Treva Boyd & Crystal Goodman
3471 Knickerbocker Rd

Welcoming "Ewe" I (Original Design 2007)
Sponsor: SA Convention & Visitors Bureau
Artist: Crystal Goodman
Redesigned, see Welcoming Ewe II

Welcoming "Ewe" II (Redesign 2012)
Sponsor: SA Convention & Visitors Bureau
Artist: Crystal Goodman
418 W. Avenue B (riverside)

West Texas Survivor
Sponsor: Santa Rita Motors
Artist: Suzanne McGee
Re-located out-of-town

When "Ewe" are Hungry
Sponsor: Sonic Drive-Ins
Artist: Suzanne McGee
527 W. Beauregard Ave.

Wild 'n Wooly
Sponsor: Anodyne
Artist: San Antonio Artist (name unavailable)
Not on display

Winder McPane
Sponsor: Window Depot
Artist: Pete Jalamos
505 N Chadbourne

Wool "Ewe" Remember
Sponsor: WT Sheep & Goat Raisers
Artist: Raul Ruiz
223 W. Twohig

Wool Gatherings
Sponsor: Wool & Cotton Shop
Artist: Judith Lester
3301 Southwest (relocated 2016)